Thursday, March 28, 2013

Story Starters

1. "Get that thing away from me!" the girl yelled. 2. "That will show them," I thought as I hammered the last nail into place. 3. Everyone had a partner but me. What was I supposed to do now? 4. For the most part, Grandpa was a nice man who liked best of all to… 5. Goats, sheep and chickens belong on the farm, not in the middle of... 6. "Get out of there as fast as you can!", I yelled to my brother as... 7. Have you ever noticed that some days seem much longer than others? 8. He didn't look like a genius, he looked more like... 9. He was afraid, but he called upon all his courage as... 10. Her eyes were glazed with a fever, making her... 11. I had always wanted a puppy. 12. I looked around the room. Nothing seemed unusual, but then… 13. I never expected that one day I'd open my closet and find... 14. It was three times as large as me, but I was going to try anyway. 15. I never thought I could do it, but… 16. If this was the truth, then the truth was wrong because... 17. If time could stand still or even go backwards, I would… 18. It was a weird thing, hairy and smelly and limp, but I loved it because... 19. It was Christmas morning, but I was not anxious to... 20. My dog jumped up and started barking... 21. It was my best friend's deepest secret and it would be a hard one to keep... 22. What would you do if your best friend said... 23. I knew it was going to be an unusual day when my mom came into my bedroom and said... 24. It was quiet.... too quiet. That could only mean that... 25. It's hard to know what a computer will do when you plug it in during a thunderstorm.... 26. It's lost! What could I do now that… 27. Late one night the neighbor knocked on the front door and asked.... 28.  I looked up at the stars, and I thought I saw ... 29. She was a funny old lady, but I knew she had come to tell me... 30.  I knew if I didn't get nervous, I could make the shot. 31. She was peering through the window, counting the cars that went by, wondering... 32. Everytime my favorite TV show comes on my mom always says, ... 33. Something brushed against me and my surprise turned to horror as I saw... 34. The boy appeared at the door of the cabin, looking ... 35. The castle stood at the top of the hill, close enough to see that in a high window stood... 36. The communicator lay silent in his hand and he realized he had lost contact with... 37. This was not home!  The grass was orange and in the sky we saw... 38. The horse pawed restlessly at the ground, a beast eagerly waiting for... 39. The spaceship was out of control and only one person could save us.... 40. The waves crashed across the sand and I knew.... 41. The wind whipped around the corner, moaning and warning me that... 42. There is nothing better than… 43. They were in the grocery store, in the freezer section, when it happened. 44. This was it. The moment I had dreaded for two weeks. The moment when.... 45. Three seconds left on the scoreboard clock -- only three seconds before.... 46. Today is the day I turn myself into a new person, a person whom... 47. Today was the day! I finally was going to … 48. We watched in horror as our friend turned the corner and bumped right into… 49. What was I supposed to do? I knew what my friend had done was wrong, but… 50. "Where did everyone go?" I shouted, but there was no answer.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Where I'm From

Where I'm From

  • Review GENRES---Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction, drama

  • Show "Where I'm From" video and explain assignment

  • Go to computer lab to work on Where I'm From poem
The WHERE I'M FROM Template
  1. I am from _______ (specific ordinary item), from _______ (product name) and _______.
  2. I am from the _______ (home description... adjective, adjective, sensory detail).
  3. I am from the _______ (plant, flower, natural item), the _______ (plant, flower, natural detail)
  4. I am from _______ (family tradition) and _______ (family trait), from _______ (name of family member) and _______ (another family name) and _______ (family name).
  5. I am from the _______ (description of family tendency) and _______ (another one).
  6. From _______ (something you were told as a child) and _______ (another).
  7. I am from (representation of religion, or lack of it). Further description.
  8. I'm from _______ (place of birth and family ancestry), _______ (two food items representing your family).
  9. From the _______ (specific family story about a specific person and detail), the _______ (another detail, and the _______ (another detail about another family member).
  10. I am from _______ (location of family pictures, mementos, archives and several more lines indicating their worth).

Welcome Creative Writing 8 CW8

Welcome CW 8

Introduction to the course

  Tell us about yourself:

2 Truths and a Lie

A lie (also called prevarication, falsehood) is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement, especially with the intention to deceive others.

Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.
Pablo Picasso

Happy Birthday, Picasso! (Picture of the Day)

Pablo Picasso. Credit: Rene Burri/Magnum Photos
Today marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of Pablo Picasso, the co-creator of Cubism and one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. Picasso’s career was remarkable for both its length (he held his first exhibition when he was just 13 years old) and its breadth (he explored a wide range of arts, including painting, sculpting, printmaking, ceramics, and stage design). From his “Blue Period” to his development (with Georges Braque) of Cubism, from his flirtation with Surrealism to his global post-World War II fame, the name “Picasso” has come to be virtually synonymous with artistic achievement, in much the same way “Einstein” or “Shakespeare” connote mastery in science or literature.
The Old Guitarist by Pablo Picasso. Credit: Courtesy of The Art Institute of Chicago
Still Life with Chair Caning by Pablo Picasso. Credit: © S.P.A.D.E.M. Paris, 1972
Three Musicians by Pablo Picasso. Credit: Philadelphia Museum of Art
Seated Harlequin by Pablo Picasso. Credit: Courtesy of the Public Art Museum, Basel, Switz.
Guernica by Pablo Picasso. Credit: DeA Picture Library
Pablo Picasso (right) with one of his pottery designs. Credit: EB Inc.


The Lying Game


    • 1
      Provide each person with a slip of paper and pen or pencil. Instruct everyone to write down three statements about themselves. Two of the statements should be true and one of them should be a lie. Allow everyone about 5 minutes to come up with three good statements.
    • 2
      Select a person to go first. That person should read aloud her three statements. Then, conduct voting by having the person read her statements again, asking for a show of hands among the group as to which statement they think is a lie.
    • 3
      Ask the person to reveal the correct answer. The people who guessed correctly should mark a tally on their sheets for a correct guess.
    • 4
      Continue around the room, having each person read his statement and then conducting a vote. Participants should continue marking down each time they make a correct guess.
    • 5
      Ask everyone how many correct guesses they had once everyone has read their statements. The person with the most correct guesses at the end has won the game.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


 Agenda:  Today we will be working on creating a dialogue between your central character and someone else (perhaps an antagonist?)

Remember that DRAMA requires CONFLICT.

Take out your character questionnaire and fill out Section 2 and 3.

Let's read one of the dialogues below out loud.

On loose leaf paper, try to write a dialogue between your character and someone else.

Tomorrow, we will be in this room again, but next week we will be in the library lab working on our books!

Sample Dialogues
Dialogues are conversations between two or more people and are written in the style of a play or drama.

Sample 1- Dependability   “Life in a Fast Food Restaurant”

Jesse just arrives at the fast food restaurant for his shift.
Manager:  Jesse, I’ve been meaning to talk to you.  Do you have a second?
Jesse:  Sure Mike, What’s up?
Manager:  Let’s go back to the office and sit down before you get into uniform for your shift.
Jessie:  OK!
(Jesse thinks to himself that he is really in trouble now but goes back to the manager’s office
and sits down.)

Manager:  I was just doing the payroll for the last pay period and I noticed that you signed in

 more than 15 minutes late on 3 out of your last 6 shifts.  Are you having a problem getting

here after school?

Jesse:  Well, yes, I have been having some trouble with my math class which is last period and sometimes I have to stay a few minutes after class to be sure I understand the homework assignment.  That causes me to miss the first bus so I have to wait for the next one and that is what is causing me to be late.
Manager:  I’m sorry you are having problems with your math class but you have to understand that I have a business to run and when you show up late it is an inconvenience to the other workers who sometimes have to stay overtime until you get here.  What do you suggest we do to try to solve this problem? The bottom line is I need you here and ready to work when your shift starts.
Jesse:  I guess I will just have to forget about math and bust out as soon as the bell rings so I can make that first bus. I’m sorry I’ve let you down a few times.  I really need this part time job so I won’t let it happen again.
Manager:  Why not see if your teacher is available at lunch or nutrition or before school so you can get your questions answered then.  Math is an important class for anyone like yourself who is thinking of going into business.  We want you to be successful at school and at work, OK?
Jesse:  Yep, I’ve got to make some adjustments, so I can get here on time and not inconvenience my co-workers and let you down.  Thanks, Mike for talking with me, instead of just firing me.
Manager: Just consider this a warning and I’ll be doing payroll again in two weeks so I will keep a close eye on your time card.  But I think you know what you have to do, and you will do it. I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.
Jesse: Thanks again, Mike, I guess I better hustle and get changed.  I see the customers are lining up

Sample 2- Willingness to Learn   “Life in an Office”

Maria just arrives to her after school office assistant’s job.
Nancy (the office manager):  Hi Maria, I’m glad you could get here right after school today cause I’ve got a ton of filing for you to do.
Maria:  Oh great, looks like we will all be here late again tonight. Guess I better get busy.
Nancy:  The IT manager was just down here to let me know that they are going to be converting all the office computers to a new system.  That should turn our lives upside down for a while.
Maria:  Wow, and I was just hoping that I could spend some time learning the current system.
Nancy:  He did say that the company that we are getting the new hardware and software from is going to be offering some training classes. Are you interested?
Maria:  Of yes, that would be a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor and have equal knowledge with the rest of the office staff.  Count me in.  When are the trainings?
Nancy:  Well, unfortunately most of them are going to be next week in the mornings when you are in school, so you can’t go to those but they are having all day training downtown at headquarters in two Saturdays.
Maria:  Oh no, that is my little sisters birthday and I promised her that I would take her to a new movie. (pause) Well maybe if I talk to her we can do it on Sunday instead so I can take advantage of the computer training.  How do I sign up for the Saturday class?
Nancy:  I’ll e-mail your registration for you and give you all the details when they come in. And by the way the company will pay you your hourly rate for taking the class on Saturday.  You may just be looking at a promotion after your graduation!  We really appreciate the way you always want to learn new things about the company and how we run this office.
Maria:  Thanks for letting me know about it. I’d do it for free just to get the experience but if they want to pay me too that is a real bonus.  I want to get as many new skills as I can so I can get that raise by this summer.
Nancy:  You’re a real go-getter; so let me shut up so you can get going on that filing.

What Happens Next

One player in the middle, the others sit aside. Any person can give the middle player a task, which she performs, and then she asks `What happens next` ? Any player may suggest what needs to happen next, but the idea is for the group to construct a coherent story.
The player in the middle should only and strictly be doing what she`s told; it is up to the players at the side to construct the story. Also known as And Then.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sample Monologues

Describe your character:

Sample Monologues
"Confused Teen" (Teen Monologue, Female) *Humorous*
Both Angie and Harmony are in their early teens. Angie's going through some physical changes, inside and out, and like any other good teenager, can't associate these changes with life's little obstacles.
Angie: What's going on Harmony? I don't get it, why is it when you become a teenager everything gets so confusing? I mean, what are they doing, spiking the make-up? Is there some unwritten law that when you become a teenager you move into the realm of insanity? If I remember correctly, that's about the time everything started getting nutty. Think about it...I'm supposed to wash my face BEFORE I exercise to prevent build-up. No, I'm supposed to wash my face AFTER I exercise to prevent break-outs. I'm NOT SUPPOSED to eat chocolate because it causes pimples. Wait, I'm SUPPOSED to eat chocolate before I take a test, because it's great, "brain food." I'm SUPPOSED to have lots of foods hat are rich in iron to help my circulation. Hold on, now, I'm NOT SUPPOSED to have a lot of iron because it prevents my body from absorbing calcium properly. Wow, if I can survive being a confused teenager, I think I can pretty much survive anything! (Change of heart) Let's get out of here, I'm hungry!
"Betrayal" (Teen Monologue, Female) *Angry*
Tina is angry with her boyfriend, or should I say ex-boyfriend. Her anger and humiliation is so intense that her eyes begin to glaze, but proudly holds back the tears as she gives him a peace of her mind.
Tina: What do you thing you're doing?! I mean as if it wasn't bad enough you asked Ginny out on a date behind my back, but I had to find out about it, from Shannon, who couldn't wait to throw it in my face. I was so humiliated, I could have died! I thought we were supposed to be going out...isn't that what you told me Monday? What ever happened too, "Tina, you're different from other girls," or, "I feel like I can tell you anything", or, "I knew you were special the first time I saw you"? Were you just playing me? What do you want from me? (Pause) No! You know what? I don't even care...this whole thing was just a pathetic lie to satisfy your ego, wasn't it?...I mean you didn't even have the decency to break it off before you jumped into something else. I can't believe I fell for the whole honesty routine...Just leave, I can't even look at you, you make me sick (Pause) Please, just leave!...O.K...I admit it, you got me, so take your little trophy, add me to your collection and get out of my life!
"The Divorce" (Teen Monologue, Female)*Dramatic*
Jamie's parents are getting separated. It doesn't quite sink in at first, she's sort of in shock. She truly believes that her influence can change the situation. Once that fails she moves from one desperate attempt to the next trying to get her parents back together again, with her confidence and feelings losing footing each step of the way. When she finally see's that the situation is hopeless, her emotions spiral down to the point of sobbing and begging.
Jamie: (sits in disbelief after hearing the news her parents divorce) What? (pause) What do you mean you're getting a divorce? No, (pause) no this can't be happening to me. (shaking her head.) Can't the two of you work things out? I mean how bad could it possibly be? (beat) (truning to her mother ) It's you right? it's your fault it always is. You're always riding Daddy, nagging him. I hear you. Maybe if you weren't such a nag then he wouldn't be leaving. (beat) Why shouldn't I, Daddy? She should know the truth. If she weren't always on your case then we wouldn't be having this conversation! (beat) I can't believe you're doing this to me! (jumps out of chair in anger) Do you know how embarrassing this is going to be for me at school? Everyone thinks we're happy. I'm always telling people how in love you two are and how I want to have that same kinda love. (pause) What am I going to do? I mean really? I'm going to have to change schools. All of my friends' parents are still married you know. (pauses as the enevitable sets in and begins to sob) Please tell me what's going on, Daddy. Tell me why you're leaving. Tell me what's wrong. (The father attempts to hug Jamie but she pulls away) No--no don't touch me. Don't touch me! How could you do this to me? Huh? How could you? I don't want you to touch me. I don't want to be comforted, Dad. Wait! (openly crying now and begging) Please don't go, Daddy. I promise I'll do better. I'll go easy on the shopping. I won't bug you about the silly stuff. I'll do the chores without tripping out...I'll do anything. Mom, why is he leaving? (beat) No--no I don't want to hear that okay? There is no such thing as "making it work out for all of us" okay. There is no such thing. Stop trying to lie to me I'm not a child! This is the worse possible thing that could happen and I will never...NEVER forgive either one of you ever again! (storms out of the room).

"Tommy Boy" (Teen Monologue, Male)*Humorous*
Tommy is a Sophomore in high school. He's a nice looking teen, who loves to be around his friends. He is outgoing, except when it comes to girls. Tommy's talking to his friend Ivan after school while waiting for the bus.
Tommy: Dude, you'll never believe what happened to me today. It all started when I woke up this morning. You know usually I press the snooze button about four or five times...but today was different, when I heard the alarm, I just sprang out of bed and said to myself, "Today is going to be a great day!" I don't know why I said it, but I was feeling great! I got in the shower and found myself humming a cool song I heard the day before. While I was combing my hair in the mirror, I noticed that not only was it a great hair day, but my skin seemed different too....alive and glowing, and no it wasn't that new acne cream I'd been was LIFE! So instead of dragging around, I threw on my clothes and headed out. When I got on the bus, the girls seemed to look at me differently. I thought maybe it was my confidence, or the hair, but then I thought who the heck cares, they were looking at me! So I looked back at them and they giggled. I was on top of the world! I went and got a seat in the back of the bus...then it came to me, I had a presentation due in first period... I wasn't about to let that ruin my day. I knew the material and I was on a roll. A few moments later, walking down the hallway, it was like a movie, almost every group of girls turned to look at me, it started to become really spooky actually. My next thought was, with my luck, I should be playing lottery. I got to my first period class and sat down. It's almost like I could feel Jamie, that hottie that sits behind me in class, staring at the back of my head...It felt great! And of course, I was called first to read my presentation to the class, so I strolled up to the front of the room with a gleaming smile...I actually winked at this girl who snickered at me in the front was I getting bold! I couldn't help myself though, this never happened to me before, it was like a dream, and right when I was getting ready to start my presentation, the teacher called me aside...I thought I'd gone too far with the winking, but decided not to lose my cool and casually stroll over to her to recieve my reprimand. Dude, when she started talking to me, my stomach dropped to my feet, like I was on a fast roller coaster ride, and I could feel my face turning as white as a ghost. It was like the whole day flashed before my eyes. Well I thanked the teacher anyway, turned away from the class, swallowed my pride and zipped-up my fly.
"Shaping-Up" (Teen Monologue, Male)*Confrontational*
Bill is sensitive, creative, imaginative, and is more into computers, than he is into physical fitness. In a world, consumed with staying in shape, Bill is like a fish out-of-water. He becomes rebellious, as he is faced with confronting his weakness.
Miss Meyers, can you just answer me just one qestion?...Why is it that I have to take P.E. every stinking year, because really...I want to know. I mean every year, it's exactly the same, I'm forced to humiliate myself in front of the rest of the class. It's not so bad for the kids who are atheletes, but for the rest of us, like me, it's not so easy.(Beat) Yes, Miss Meyers...I know, I know...P.E. is just as important as algebra and biology, and yes I agree that you should get a grade based on yor abilities and skills. But everyone has to take the same class! They don't have "Basic P.E." like they have "General Science" or "Basic Math"...that would be a whole different subject completely! And why do we have to rotate activities all the time, why can't we stick with one thing for awhile, that way I could redeem myself by getting better at something. Soccer and Basketball aren't so bad, but this body shouldn't be on a balance beam during gymnastics. I just become entertainment for the rest of the class. High school is humiliating enough without coming in five minutes after everyone else during the mile run...while they're showered and going to lunch, I'm just crossing the finish line. I already know the theory around But the the least they could do is level the playing field for everyone. I know there's not much you can do for me, but thanks, for at least letting me get that off my chest...See you in the gym.
"Girl Problems" (Teen Monologue, Male)*Dramatic/Light Humor*
Mike and Jennifer (Jen) have been best friends and lived in the same neighborhood since they were little kids. They did everything together, and could talk about anything with each other. They've been in high school now for about one or two years and the relationship seems to have become a little more complicated, at least as far as Jen was concerned. Brad is sitting on his front step looking deep in thought. Jen is coming over, see's him, and is a little concerned.
Mike: Hi Jen, what's up? Say, you don't happen to know this girl named Lydia that goes to our school, do you? She's in our World History class. She sits in the back...You know... the girl with the light brown hair and the big beautiful smile. (beat) Yeah, that's the one. What do you think of her? I totally want to go out with her, but I don't even think she notices me. You got any ideas? (beat) Well, I've tried a couple of times to ask her out, but whenever I seem to get close to her, it's like she see's right through me, like I don't even exist. It's like I could stand in between her and the girl she's talking too, and I would even be interrupting them. (beat) What are you talking about, I don't want to ask anybody else. I want to go out with her. I feel like she's everything I want in a girlfriend. (beat) How would I know if we have anything in common, I can't seem to get close enough to find out. (beat) What?...I know I don't NEED a girlfriend, but I want one. (pauses/gets a bad feeling) Hey, wait a minute, what are you trying to do here? Jinx it!...You're supposed to be helping me out, what's got into you!? I've never seen you like this before. (beat) Like what?...You know what! (pauses for a second/ light bulb goes off in his head!) Oh my Gosh!...Jen!...Oh my Gosh! I am so sorry...I get it now. (giggles in disbelief) Jen, oh no...I'm not laughing at you, I guess I never thought of you that way. You just caught me by surprise. (beat) I DO like you! (beat) You ARE beautiful! (beat) I don't know, I guess I never knew, but to be real honest with you Jen, I like our relationship the way it is. Jen!?...Please!...Where are you going?...Why are you so mad!?...Jen, COME BACK! I know we can work this out...(to himself) Okay great! Now I've done it. (reflects) Yep, I think it's time to rethink this.

"I Hate Hamlet"
written by Paul Rudnick

(His New York apartment is literally haunted by the ghost of John Barrymore, and thus, TV star Andrew Rally is persuaded to play Hamlet in Central Park. After the premiere, he evaluates his own performance. It is noted: the monologue must grow extremely passionate. Andrew must be transported back to the previous performance.).
Andrew: Last night, right from the start, I knew I was bombing. I sounded big and phony, real thee and thou, and then I started rushing it, hi, what's new in Denmark? I just could not connect. I couldn't get a hold of it. And while I'm...babbling, I look out, and there's this guy in the second row, a kid, like 16, obviously dragged there. And he's yawning and jiggling his legs and reading his program, and I just wanted to say, hey kid, I'm with you, I can't stand this either! But I couldn't do that, so I just keep feeling worse and worse, just drowning. And I thought, okay, all my questions are anwered -- I'm not Hamlet, I'm no actor, what am I doing here? And then I get to the soliloquy, the big job, I'm right in the headlights, and I just thought, oh Christ, the hell with it, just do it!
To be or not to be, that is the question;
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
and by opposing, end them.
And I kept going, I finished the speech, and I look out, and there's the kid -- and he's listening. The whole audience -- complete silence, total focus. And I was Hamlet. And it lasted about ten more seconds, and then I was in Hell. And I stayed there. But for that one little bit, for that one speech -- I got it. I had it. Hamlet. And only eight thousand lines left to go.